Monday, March 7, 2016

The Holy Bible.

     Pictured to the left is a copy of a version of the Holy Bible, known as the COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE ( CJB ); being entitled: COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE: An English Version by David H. Stern.  Ephesians 4:25 reads as follows:
"25 Therefore, stripping off falsehood, let everyone speak truth with his neighbor, because we are intimately related to each other as parts of a body."
Moreover, the following two quotations are taken from this version of the Holy Bible:
(1) "As a Messianic Jew (a Jew who honors Yeshua as the Messiah). . . ."  [  See p. xii.  ] and (2) "5 The abbreviations 'B.C.E.' and 'C.E.,' which mean 'Before the Common Era' and 'Common Era' respectively, are used by the Jewish community in place of 'B.C.' and 'A.D.,' which signify 'Before Christ' and 'Anno Domini' (Latin for 'in the year of our Lord')."  [  See p. xvii.  ]
     With regard to the first quotation, it is impossible to be a Messianic Jew.  To begin with, Judaism became obsolete when Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, though we can still learn from it ( see MATTITYAHU (MATTHEW) 6:11; LUKE 23:26-49 ( especially verse 33, for example; KJV, for example ); ACTS 2:38, 41, and 47 ( KJV, for example ); ROMANS 3:21-26 ( especially verse 25, for example ); 6:1-4 ( especially verses 3 and 4, for example ); 10:1-4 ( especially verse 4, for example ); 15:1-4 ( especially verse 4, for example ); GALATIANS 4:30; COLOSSIANS 1:9-20 ( especially verse 20, for example ); 2:11-15 ( especially verse 14, for example; KJV, for example ); MESSIANIC JEWS (HEBREWS) chapter 8 ( especially verse 13, for example; NKJV, for example ); and REVELATION 1:1-8 ( especially verse 5, for example ), for example ).  Secondly, the word "honor" is synonymous with the word "keep," and the word "keep" is synonymous with the word "obey."  Thus, if one who claims to be a Messianic Jew truly honors Yeshua as the Messiah, that one would obey His command ( see YOCHANAN (JOHN) 3:16, 17; 7:16; 8:25, 26, for example ) to trust and be immersed ( see MARK 16:14-18 ( especially verse 16, for example ), for example; "believeth and is baptized" ( see Mark 16:16; KJV )); becoming a Christian ( see ACTS, chapter 11 ( especially verse 26; KJV, for example ) and GALATIANS 3:26, 27, for example ), not a Jew.
     Concerning the second quotation, it is a footnote at the bottom of that page.  Again, if one who claims to be a Messianic Jew truly honors Yeshua as the Messiah, that one would not use the abbreviations "B.C.E." ( Before the Common Era ) and "C.E." ( Common Era ), showing disregard for Him.  Rather, one would use the abbreviations "B.C." ( Before Christ ) and "A.D." ( Anno Domini ): thus, all those who claim to be Messianic Jews are liars and hypocrites ( see LUKE 12:1 and REVELATION 21:8, for example, and cf. Luke 12:1 ( KJV, for example ), for example ), they do not speak the truth with their neighbors, regarding their claim of honoring Yeshua as the Messiah, for example.
     Please study the Holy Bible ( which is God's word - see TEHILLIM (PSALMS) 119:65-73, 142, and 151; YOCHANAN (JOHN) 17:1, 3, and 17; and 2 TIMOTHY 2:15; 3:16, 17, for example ).  If you have any questions about the Holy Bible, you can contact me by e-mail at:

     <Russell E. Willis>.

NOTE: "In order to highlight the connection between the New Testament and the Tanakh, on which it builds, Tanakh verses cited in the B'rit Hadashah are printed there in boldface and their sources given in footnotes at the bottom of the page."  [  See p. lv.  ]
This explains the use of boldface text in the first verse twenty-five ( above ).  The use of the names "TEHILLIM," "MATTITYAHU," "YOCHANAN," and "MESSIANIC JEWS," in this weblog posting, indicates the Jewish names of those books in the COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE ( CJB; with their respective Christian names in parentheses ).  [  See pp. x and xi.  ]
     The word "Tanakh" is the COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE's ( CJB's ) name for the Old Testament, and the words "B'rit Hadashah" are its name for the New Testament.  [  See p. iii.  ]
The word "Yeshua" is the Hebrew term for the name "Jesus."  [  See Pronouncing Explanatory Glossary, p. 1600.  ]
The words "Messiah, Mashiach" are associated with the name "Christ," where the word "Mashiach" is the Hebrew term.  [  See "Reverse" Pronouncing Glossary, p. 1605.  ]