Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Holy Bible.

     Pictured to the left is a copy of a version of the New Testament, known as The Expanded Bible; being entitled: New Testament: The [ expanded ] Bible: Study The Bible While You Read.  John 8:1-11 read as follows:
"Jesus went to the Mount of Olives [Ceast of Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley].  2 But *early in the morning [at dawn] he went back to the Temple [courts; 2:14], and all the people came to him, and he sat and taught them.  3 The *teachers of the law [scribes; Cexperts in the law of Moses] and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery.  They forced her to stand *before [or in the midst of] the people.  4 They said to Jesus, 'Teacher, this woman was caught *having sexual relations with a man who is not her husband [in the very act of committing adultery].  5 The law of Moses commands that we stone to death every woman who does this [compare Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22-24].  What do you say we should do?'  6 They were asking this to *trick [trap; test] Jesus so that they could have some *charge [accusation] against him.  But Jesus *bent over [stooped down] and started writing on the ground with his finger [Cwe do not know what he is writing though there has been much speculation].  7 When they continued to ask Jesus their question, he *raised up [straightened] and said, 'Anyone here who *has never sinned [is guiltless; Tis without sin] can throw the first stone at her [Deut. 13:9; 17:7; comp. Lev. 24:14]."  8 Then Jesus *bent over [stooped down] again and wrote on the ground.  9 Those who heard Jesus began to leave one by one, first the *older men [elders] and then the others.  Jesus was left there alone with the woman standing before him.  10 Jesus *raised up [straightened] again and asked her, 'Woman [Ca respectful term of address in Greek; see 2:4], where are they?  Has no one *judged you guilty [condemned you]?'  11 She answered, 'No one, sir.'  Then Jesus said, 'I also don't *judge you guilty [condemn you].  *You may go now, but don't sin anymore [TGo, and sin no more].'"
If you, the reader, will notice, the references at the end of verse five ( above ) teach that both the man and the woman who engaged in the sin of adultery ( see also Psalm 119:65-73, 142, and 151; John 17:1, 3, and 17; Romans 13:9; 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16, 17; and 1 John 3:4, for example ) were to be put to death.
     The teachers of the law and the Pharisees ( see verse three, above, and note the expansion and the comment, here, which describe who the teachers of the law were ) misinterpreted the law of Moses regarding this issue, since the necessary question would be, "Where is the man?"  The teachers of the law should have known better.  Perhaps the motivation for this misinterpretation was gender discrimination.
     To be sure, the heavenly Father ( see Matthew 5:9, 16; 6:9, 14, for example ) commands ( see Ecclesiastes 12:13, for example ) equity, for Solomon ( see Proverbs 1:1 ) wrote the following in verses one through six ( RSV ):
"The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: 2 That men may know wisdom and instruction, understand words of insight, 3 receive instruction in wise dealing, righteousness, justice, and equity; 4 that prudence may be given to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth- 5 the wise man also may hear and increase in learning, and the man of understanding acquire skill, 6 to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles."
Please read the Holy Bible ( which is God's word - see Luke 8:19-21 ( especially verse 21, for example ); 11:27, 28 ( especially verse 28, for example ); and Revelation 1:1-8 ( especially verse 3, for example ), for example ).  If you have any questions about the Holy Bible, you can contact me by e-mail at:

     <Russell E. Willis>.

NOTE: Since in-line bullets are not available in the formatting of this weblog, asterisks "*" were used to "show where to begin the replacement of a word or words before the set of brackets with the word or words within the set of brackets."  [  See New Testament, The [ expanded ] Bible, THOMAS NELSON, NASHVILLE, DALLAS, MEXICO CITY, RIO DE JANEIRO, BEIJING, The Expanded Bible, New Testament, Copyright 2009 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., p. xi.  ]
Moreover, since the superscript function is also not available in the formatting of this weblog, the smallest font size was used for the characters "T" and "C," associated with their respective markers ( or sigla ): the complete list of the ones employed in this weblog posting is provided below:

"[ ] EXPANSION: Other possible ways of translating a word, phrase, clause, or sentence. . . ."  [  Ibid.  ]
"[or] ALTERNATE: A different translation possibility that takes the meaning of the original language in a different direction than the base text does. . . ."  [  Ibid., p. xii.  ]
"T TRADITIONAL: Provides familiar terms and well-known renderings from past translations, especially those in the King James tradition. . . ."  [  Ibid.  ]
"C COMMENT: Briefly provides historical, cultural, theological, or other explanatory information to help readers better understand a verse or passage. . . ."  [  Ibid.  ]
"REFERENCE: Provides cross-references to parallel passages, quotations from or allusions to another part of the Bible.  These usually appear within a bracket. . . ."  [  Ibid., p. xiii.  ]