Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Holy Bible.

     Pictured to the left is a copy of a version of the Holy Bible, known as the voice; being entitled: COMPASS: THE STUDY BIBLE FOR NAVIGATING YOUR LIFE.  The following quotation is taken from this version of the Holy Bible:
"About 40 different authors are believed to have been inspired by God to write the Scriptures.  Most English translations attempt to even out the literary styles of the different authors in sentence structure and vocabulary.  Instead, The Voice distinguishes the unique perspective of each author.  The heart of the project is retelling the story of the Bible in a form as fluid as modern literary works while remaining painstakingly true to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts.  Accomplished writers and biblical scholars have been teamed up to create an English rendering that, while of great artistic value, is carefully aligned with the meaning inherent in the original language.  Attention is paid to the use of idioms, artistic elements, confusion of pronouns, repetition of conjunctions, modern sentence structure, and the public reading of the passage."  [  See the voice, COMPASS: THE STUDY BIBLE FOR NAVIGATING YOUR LIFE, THOMAS NELSON, NASHVILLE, DALLAS, MEXICO CITY, RIO DE JANEIRO, Compass Bible Copyright 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc., The Voice translation 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society, p. vi.  ]
Jesus ( see Luke 6:20 ) said the following in verses twenty-two and twenty-three: "22 When people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and write you off as evil on account of the Son of Man, you are blessed.  23 When these things happen, rejoice!  Jump for joy!  Then you have a great reward in heaven for at that moment, you are experiencing what the ancient prophets did when they were similarly treated by the ancestors of your detractors."
     He teaches, here, that when we, as Christians ( see Acts 11:26, for example ), suffer persecution, we are to rejoice and jump for joy.  Do we do that?  Please click on the link below to read today's bulletin regarding the subject of steadfastness and happiness:
     Also, please read the Holy Bible ( which is God's word - see Luke 8:19-21; 11:14-28 ( especially verse 28, for example ) and Revelation 1:1-8 ( especially verse 3, for example ), for example ).  If you have any questions about the Holy Bible, you can contact me by e-mail at:

     <Russell E. Willis>.

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