Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Holy Bible.

     Pictured to the left is a copy of a version of the Holy Bible, known as the KING JAMES VERSION ( KJV ); being entitled: The Scofield Study Bible.  Revelation 1:5, 6 read as follows:
"And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.  Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.  Amen."
The phrase "kings and priests," in verse six, has an equivalent rendering in the margin, which is "a kingdom, priests."
     Moreover, the Greek word ( Greek [ 935 ] ) for the word "kings," in verse six, is defined as follows:
"a sovereign (abs., rel. or fig.). . . ."  [  See ABINGDON'S STRONG'S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE, STRONG, JAMES, S.T.D., LL.D., ABINGDON PRESS, NASHVILLE, Copyright, 1890, by JAMES STRONG, MADISON, N.J., ( A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek/New Testament with their Renderings in the King James Version, p. 21. ).  ]
The word "sovereign" is defined as follows:
". . . n.   1  One who possesses supreme authority, especially a person or a determinate body of persons in whom the supreme power of the state is vested; a monarch. . . .  See synonyms under IMPERIAL, PREDOMINANT. . . ."  [  See NEW ILLUSTRATED WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY Including THESAURUS of SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS, PMC Publishing Company, Inc., 118 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY  10016, dictionary portion: pages 1-1150, Copyright 1992, by J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, p. 922.  ]
The word "king" is defined as follows:
". . . n.   1  The sovereign male ruler of a kingdom. . . ."  [  Ibid., p. 538.  ]
The word "queen" is defined as follows:
". . . n.   1  The wife of a king.   2  A female sovereign or monarch. . . ."  [  Ibid., p. 793.  ]
     Additionally, the Greek word ( Greek [ 2409 ] ) for the word "priests," in verse six, is defined as follows:
"a priest (lit. or fig.). . . ."  [  See ABINGDON'S STRONG'S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE, STRONG, JAMES, S.T.D., LL.D., ABINGDON PRESS, NASHVILLE, Copyright, 1890, by JAMES STRONG, MADISON, N.J., ( A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek/New Testament with their Renderings in the King James Version, p. 48. ).  ]
The word "priestess" is defined as follows:
". . . n.   A woman or girl who exercises priestly functions or who performs sacred rites."  [  See NEW ILLUSTRATED WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY Including THESAURUS of SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS, PMC Publishing Company, Inc., 118 EAST 28th STREET, NEW YORK, NY  10016, dictionary portion: pages 1-1150, Copyright 1992, by J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, p. 769.  ]  See also Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7-25 ( especially verses 20-22, for example ), Exodus 21:10, 1 Corinthians 7:3, 5, 35, and 36, 1 Thessalonians 5:25, and 1 Timothy 2:12, for example.
     Thus, with all of the above-given information in mind, the phrase "kings and priests," in verse six, can be understood to mean "kings and queens and priests and priestesses" ( since it is impossible for a woman to be a king, for example ).  See also Psalm 119:65-73, 142, 151, Matthew 28:18, John 1:1, 14; 3:16, 17; 5:26, 27; 7:16; 8:26; 10:30: 14:6; 17:17, Acts 2:38; 8:26-40 ( especially verses 36-39, for example ); 11:26, Romans 1:20; 6:1-4 ( especially verses 3 and 4, for example ), Galatians 3:26, 27, Colossians 2:8, 9, Titus 1:1, 2, and 1 John 5:6-8, for example.  Please study the Holy Bible ( God's word - see 2 Timothy 2:15, for example ).
If you have any questions about the Holy Bible, you can contact me by e-mail at:

<Russell E. Willis>